Nurse Levine often sends out notices regarding important health topics. All of her notices can be found here.
The following information will help students have a safe and healthy year at Holy Spirit School.
Please call the nurse’s office or email [email protected] to contact the nurse for any
Mrs. Laura Levine, R.N.
School Nurse
Paperwork Required for the Upcoming School Year
Students must have a current physical less than 1 year old. A current copy of the immunization record should be attached with any additions.
For incoming Sixth grade students:
It is a requirement in the State of NJ that all incoming 6 th graders that are 11 years old must receive the DTap and meningococcal vaccines prior to entry into 6 th grade. 6 th graders <11 years old must receive the vaccine once they turn 11. Please submit a copy of these immunizations along with the yearly physical prior to the first day of school.
For incoming Kindergarten students:
-Submit a copy of 5 year old physical and additional required vaccines. This usually includes: 2nd MMR and additional doses of both the IPV and DTap Vaccines since Pre-K enrollment. This must be received prior to the 1st day of school.
Paperwork For Fifth to Eighth Grade sports Participants
(Cheerleading and Basketball):
Please submit the Annual Athletic Pre-Participation forms by October 1 st .
Requirements include:
● -Medical Eligibility form completed, signed and dated by the child's physician
● -Health Update form if the athletic physical is >90 days before the first practice.
*Athletic forms must be submitted prior to the first practice, or your child will not play.*
Medical Eligibility Form
Health Update Form
Food Allergy Policy
● We have both students and staff members with nut allergies. In order to keep our staff and
students safe, all classrooms are nut-free classrooms.
● ALL SNACK items must be nut-free.
● All AFTER CARE snacks must also be nut free.
● If a student would like to bring nut products for lunch, the student bringing food containing nut products will sit at the table designated for these items. They must be diligent with washing
their hands with soap and water after eating and before returning to their class table.
● All birthday treats must be approved prior to bringing the items. There must be no items containing peanuts or nuts or any kind, or produce in a faculty with these items
● There must be NO items containing peanuts or nuts of any kind, or produced in a facility with
these items. The treat must be approved prior to bringing this item to school. This will prevent
any incidences of a student with allergies being left out of the celebration.
Allergies and Asthma
The following forms must be completed and handed in on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL along with your child's medication. All medications must be brought to the main office by an adult.
Food Allergies Forms
1) Food Allergy Action Plan
2) Mandatory Medication Form
4) Self Administration Form (If applicable)
3) Permission to Share
Asthma Forms:
1) Asthma Action Plan Form
2) Mandatory Medication Form
3) Self Administration Form (If applicable)
4) Permission to Share Form
Absences and Illnesses
All absences must be called into the main office (973-835-5680) every time your child is absent and the reason for the absence. This will allow for tracking of contagious illnesses.
PLEASE do not send a sick child to school. If any symptoms are noted at school, the parent or
emergency contact will be notified to pick up the child ASAP.
● Vomiting or diarrhea, keep your child home for 24 hours after the last episode.
● Your child must be free of a fever for at least 24 hours without tylenol or motrin
● If a child has been diagnosed with strep throat or conjunctivitis (pink eye) the child must
be on antibiotics for a full 24 hours before returning to school. Please send in a note
from your child’s physician.
● Notify the nurse if the child is on crutches, has a cast or brace
● Include note from the physician with activity restrictions especially for gym and recess.
● Only medications sent in with a signed physician’s order as well as a parent's signature
with required forms will be given at school.
● Medication must be in the original prescription bottle or original unopened container.
● Emergency medications such as inhalers or epi-pens will also need additional forms, see
Mandatory Medicine Form
*At the end of the school year, a parent or adult must pick up the student's medication or it will be discarded*
Thank you for ensuring the well being of our school. Feel free to call or email with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Laura Levine, R.N.
School Nurse